Incentives are not just for big brands! You can offer incentives for your child care center as well. I am sure if you check your email inbox right now, you will see tons of deals crafted by stores to get you in the door. It can be, to buy one get one free, save $20.00 when you buy this, or my personal favorite, EVERYTHING MUST GO! These are marketing tactics used to get you to take action.
Having a juicy call to action is what pushes people to buy something. This is not only done with products but it is also done by businesses that offer services just like yours.
As a child care center, your business comes from families that are in your community. The goal is for your child care presence to reflect that your center is the go-to for their child care needs. A way to push parents to take action is by offering incentives.
3 incentives that you can offer right now are;
- Half off of registration fees for a particular class
- Free registration for government workers
- Register one get one registration for free for 2 kids
When offering incentives please remember to be intentional. If you need infants in your infant program, your incentive should be for that program. You can offer incentives for different reasons.